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The JOSERA Uniblock offers your animals on pasture numerous highly available minerals and trace elements. The broad calcium-phosphorous ratio helps compensate for excess phosphorous in other ration components. Thanks to the innovative aroma protection film, the salt lick is protected against external influences and always stays fresh and palatable. The product has organics approval and can be used in ecological/organic production according to the regulations (EC) no. 834/2007 and (EC) no. 889/2008.
Net weight: 10 kg
Your benefits at a glance:
- Reliable uptake thanks to excellent palatability and optimum consistency
- Healthier animals, since licking stimulates salivation, buffers rumen contents and counteracts rumen hyperacidity
- Denser ecological/organic production, certified according to EU regulation
The JOSERA Uniblock is suitable for use in pasturing with normal to high intensity grassland management and a low to moderate clover and herb content in the meadow/pasture vegetation.
The salt lick can be made available to the animals free choice up to 1% of the daily ration.
Sheep, goats, game: 10 - 20 g
Dairy cows: 100 - 200 g
Young cattle: 60 - 120 g
Horses: 80 - 130 g
The product contains no added copper, making it particularly well suited for sheep, goats and game.