Josilac is used in over 25 countries all over the continent. It is important to consider the future challenges of milk production: the focus is on future-oriented units, larger-scale crops and silo plants, shorter harvest periods due to variable weather conditions and feeding high-quality roughage without many losses.
Turbo Effekt
In order to master all the challenges of modern agriculture, JOSERA offers diverse new products for the start of early purchase in 2016 as another milestone of constant development. The proven products Josilac classic and Josilac grass have been expanded by the TURBO effect. The TURBO effect characterises the ability to form fast, powerful and highly competitive lactic acid. This lowers the pH value faster and more profoundly in comparison with untreated silage. Nutritionally important nutrients, especially high-quality protein, are protected and can be transformed by the cow into milk more efficiently.

Along with improved fermentation, the stability of silage is a very important factor. In this respect, JOSERA offers more protection against reheating and the formation of mould with the SAFETY effect in Josilac ferm and Josilac extra. With the SAFETY effect, susceptible silage (higher proportion of highly soluble carbohydrates, higher dry substance content, higher feed value) is protected
As a symbiosis of both effects, TURBO + SAFETY, JOSERA offers the SYMBIOSIS effect in Josilac combi . This unites two directions of action – an improved fermentation process and higher aerobic stability – in one product.
However, the SYMBIOSIS effect is more than just the sum of the effects. The unique strain combination allows a dynamic system of homo- and heterofermentational effects which mutually support each other and monitor and thereby individually gain the right result for the respective application. Furthermore, the SYMBIOSIS effect in the Josilac combi can be used in all silage material such as field grass, silage maize or whole crop silage.
In addition, the SYMBIOSIS effect in Josilac combi can be used in all silage products such as meadow grass, silo maize or whole plant silage

The Josilac user can resort on a coordinated system of highly effective and powerful biological silage additives, with which quality silage is not left to change and the roughage is created efficiently and economically.
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Silage management – the path to optimal grass silage
The forage is the most important component in the feeding of dairy cattle. Feed costs account for the largest portion of milk production costs. Forage offers the highest potential for cost optimisation.
Ensiling made easy
Would you like to feed your cows with a high-quality silage, and facilitate excellent dry matter consumption? Read everything on the subject of silage additives in the following text.