Due to falling grain prices, a feed made up of your own and potentially purchased grain becomes even more of an interesting prospect. Cereals can also contribute to reducing costs in milk production as a component of compensatory feed in the case of protein surpluses in the ration, such as those occurring in green feeding or grazing, or in milk feeds that are balanced in terms of their milk production value.

In regional terms, the prolonged drought has led to high losses in maize and grassland. For maize silage, the result where crops with no cobs or poor cob development. For affected farms, it is important now to establish a feed plan to respond to feed shortages in time and switch to potential alternatives. Existing feed must be used efficiently.
Thematic areas
Barn management

With this categorie we give you valuable tips for successfull barn management.
Animal health

Vital and healthy cows are the key to your success. We support you with our help.
Silage management

Only with high-quality silages a performance cow can be fed according to their needs.
Success stories

With our success stories, we offer you a deep insight into practice with JOSERA products.