Cattle diseases

JOSERA cattle lying on straw in the stable

The economic efficiency significantly depends on the health and performance of your animals.

Calf diseases

JOSERA cow standing in the stable

Especially in the first weeks of life there is an increased risk of calves suffering from various diseases.

Other topics

Animal welfare: What can the feed contribute to this?
From the experts' point of view, metabolic disorders, fertility problems and mastitis are animal welfare problems in stables. Furthermore, social stress and unsuitable living conditions are contributing factors.
Heat stress in cattle
During the summer, we humans often break into a sweat. But how do our animals manage the heat? Read this article to find out more about heat stress in cattle.
Udder health – influence with feeding
A question that is often raised is what can I do against mastitis and a high cell count, because udder health is the basic pre-requisite for economic milk production. Losses are incurred due to decreased output in case of chronic inflammations or high cell count, because of unsellable milk, medical expenses, increase in the amount of time spent and finally because of a wastage rate of 15%-20%.
Cow’s liver
As a well-known German cabaret artist and doctor put it, “the liver grows with its tasks”. Not that he knew about the extraordinary achievements of our dairy cows. If you look at the nutrient requirement form the dry period to the early lactation phase, there are dramatic changes.
Dairy farming and antibiotics – where can animal nutrition help?
Consumers and politicians are becoming evermore energetic in demanding a drastic reduction in the use of antibiotics in livestock farming – not without good reason, as there are many reasons why its used should be reduced.
Heat stress in calves!
On hot summer days, measures are already being taken to combat heat stress in the dairy cattle barn. Calves must not be forgotten here!

Thematic areas


JOSERA customer with consultant in the stable

In our nutrition section, everything revolves around feeding your cattle.

Barn management

JOSERA cattle standing in the stable

With this categorie we give you valuable tips for successfull barn management.

Animal health

JOSERA cattle waiting in the feeding rack

Vital and healthy cows are the key to your success. We support you with our help.

Rearing & Breeding

JOSERA cattle standing and lying in the stable in straw

Fertility and the birth of calves are the linchpin of dairy farming.

Silage management

JOSERA Tractor at harvest

Only with high-quality silages a performance cow can be fed according to their needs.

Success stories

JOSERA Cattle in the milking carousel

With our success stories, we offer you a deep insight into practice with JOSERA products.

Contact & Service

Do you need detailed information or advice? The more accurate you specify what interests you, the better we can deal with. You can not order directly via us. We would be glad to inform you about the Josera dealer near you.

Advice Hotline 8:00 am - 5:00 pm: +49 9371 940 0