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JOSERA Lactimin EXTRA is a special mineral feed for use in balanced rations by organic farms. This product contains live yeasts, making it especially valuable and stabilising the rumen pH value. Consuming oxygen in the rumen establishes an anaerobic environment that stimulates and promotes bacteria which break down lactic acid and cellulose. This means the utilisation of concentrated feed by the animals is improved and their health is maintained. Appetite and milk production are increased.
The composition of high quality raw materials, trace elements and vitamin A, D and E also protects your cows against deficiency symptoms caused by feeding.
JOSERA Lactimin EXTRA can be used by organic operations according to Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 and (EC) 889/2008. The product is manufactured according to the specifications of Bioland e.V. and inspected by QAL.
Packaging size: 25 kg
calcium | 16,0 % |
phosphorus | 4,5 % |
sodium | 11,0 % |
magnesium | 5,5 % |
Ca/P = | 3,5 : 1 |
- Safe ecological/organic production, certified according to EU regulation
- Higher milk revenues thanks to the composition of active ingredients, maintaining udder and hoof health
- Good fertility thanks to the best nutrition with high performance
JOSERA Lactimin EXTRA is suitable for rations with a high proportion of balanced (grass, grass silage, hay, maize silage) or calcium-rich feed components (clover/grass, clover and their silage).
Feeding recommendation: 10 g/kg DM:
15 kg milk (13 kg DM): 130 g
25 kg milk (17 kg DM): 170 g
35 kg milk (21 kg DM): 210 g
45 kg milk (25 kg DM): 250 g