Home | ProSpezial

JOSERA ProSpezial is a mineral feed for dairy and breeding cows to supplement forage and mixed rations.

With highly available mineral components, optimised vitamin content and balanced trace element fortification, JOSERA ProSpezial makes an important contribution to performance-oriented feeding.

The regular application of JOSERA ProSpezial in the course of feeding prevents mineral and active ingredient deficiencies, thereby ensuring:

  • Healthy development of young cattle
  • Full performance during lactation
  • Fertility and health

Packaging size: 25 kg

Analytical components
calcium 18,50 %
phosphorus 4,00 %
sodium 10,50 %
magnesium 3,50 %
Ca/P = 4,63 : 1
Your benefits at a glance:

  • Reliable and low-cost mineral and active ingredient supply
  • Reliable nutrition thanks to the concrete JOSERA recommendation of 10 g/kg DM uptake

JOSERA ProSpezial is suitable for rations with a high proportion of feed components that are balanced to high in calcium (maize or grass silage with clover or alfalfa, pressed pulp).

Feeding recommendation: 10 g/kg D

15 kg milk (13 kg D): 130 g
20 kg milk (15 kg D): 150 g
25 kg milk (17 kg D): 170 g
30 kg milk (19 kg D): 190 g
35 kg milk (21 kg D): 210 g

As a performance feed, we recommend an in-house mix with 3 % JOSERA Kraft-Mix.

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